How to Use

The Click Queue

On the upper right corner, there is the click queue, which represents what has been clicked so far. To clear the click queue, click Esc or hit the esc key on the keyboard.

Adding Nodes

  1. Click anywhere that doesn't have a node.
  2. (Optional) Type a symbol for the label of the node. If no symbol is typed, an automatic counter is used as the label.
  3. Click Enter or hit enter/return on the keyboard. You can add multiple nodes by clicking multiple empty slots.

Renaming Nodes

  1. Click any node.
  2. (Optional) Type a symbol for the new label of the node. If no symbol is typed, an automatic counter is used as the label.
  3. Ensure the click queue is one node. Click Enter or hit Enter/Return on the keyboard.

Moving Nodes

  1. Click any node.
  2. Click any empty slot.
  3. Click Enter or hit Enter/Return on the keyboard.

Adding Edges

  1. Click on two nodes.
  2. (Optional) Type an edge attribute command (see below).
  3. Click Enter or hit enter/return on the keyboard. You can add a sequence of edges by clicking multiple nodes.
*Edge attribute command. Each edge can have three attributes: Directedness (dir), Weight (w), and Bend (b). By default, edges will be undirected, with w=b=0. To assign weight/bend, the subcommands w=? and b=? respectively are used. To enable direction, the subcommand dir suffices. You can activate all three attributes by linking these subcommands via a comma in any order. E.g. Do not use any spaces in the command. FYI: Bend can be positive (rightwards) or negative (leftwards); it represents the distance from the turning point to the midpoint of the two nodes, as a percentage of half the distance between the two nodes.

Deleting Objects

  1. Click on the object(s) you want to remove.
  2. Click Del or hit delete/backspace on the keyboard.

Graph Algorithms

  1. Click Alg multiple times to choose your desired algorithm.
  2. Click on the input node(s) for the algorithm.
  3. Each click of Next shows the next step of the algorithm.
Breathing Effect:

Node Color:

Load File:

Save File:

Export TeX: